Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Friendship Day

Happy friendship day…

Do u know?
In 1935, USA govt. killed a man on 1st of August and next day his best friend committed suicide in his memory. So USA govt. decided and declared 1st Sunday of every August as Friendship day. On this 73rd Friendship day I wish you too. Happy Friendship Day. This was one of the first messages that clicked on my cell phone in the morning. Nowadays we have a day dedicated to every person and relation such as Mother’s day, Father’s day, Women day, etc.. And I think there’s a husband day also and there’ll be couple day soon too. I was wondering if all these days have their origin from USA only and are they the contributing to celebrate relations and relationships in the world.

Leave all that apart, today is Friendship Day. This day is about cherishing such a relation which is made by our own choice.  We have certain relations like mother, father, sister, brother, uncles and list goes on and on. But this is one such relation which could not be forced upon anyone and is made after analyzing and knowing a person. We meet many people but all of them do not become friends. We like someone and like their company and understand each other. This chemistry goes on improving and becomes a base of a strong relationship called friendship and which can go for a lifetime as well. A friend is the one with who you can be yourself and can almost talk about anything. We share the happiest moments to the most difficult and embarrassing moments with them. It’s not necessary that we have be in constant contact or meet them regularly, and sometimes just a thought that they are there for us is sufficient enough to be in sense. U know, I have a few friends whom I don’t get to meet regularly, in fact it takes ages when we meet but the moment we are in front of each other we are the same old buddies, happy to see each other and the understanding between us could be seen in each other’s eyes. No complaints no questions as where we were and what we were doing nothing…. Just glad to see other, wanting to sip the cup of cappuccino that we used to do earlier or have the favorite pizza. We decide it on the go and have a good time without thinking when will we possibly meet again or see each other but there is a sense of satisfaction to see each other happy and settled.

I believe the best of friends that we get is during our school time or college time as we have so much time to be with each other and that is the age when you don’t have any self motive behind your friendship. It’s just pure friendship and it goes very long. Later in our lives we get busy with things and there is more of friendship of convenience like business friends and all that. Anyways this is the best relation that I find which is accessible to us. Easy going, no hassles, no faking, true love and care, understanding, and I can go on and on and on…. And this will never end as friendship never ends. So a very happy friendship day to all and hope you cherish this relation for your lifetime.

  God bless.

1 comment:

  1. well written about friendship.... keep writing good things like this...becoz one thing that we all need is love and we can find this love most in a relation called "Friendship"...

    Keep smiling... :)

